Quarterly Mastermind Group for Change Leaders

Are you ready to dive deep into the profound growth needed to become a truly transformative leader?

Welcome to our Quarterly Mastermind Group, where we gather visionary leaders dedicated to creating a culture of care and collaboration within their organizations. This exclusive group is designed for social change leaders like you who are committed to addressing the deeper issues and achieving lasting, impactful change within yourself, within your organization, and within our communities.

What this is NOT:

• Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Training focused on ideas, practices, and policy making (though a Critical Race Theory lens is applied here).

• Executive Leadership Training about how to listen better or better articulate your strategies to your board (though your skills in these areas will improve as you do the deeper work).

• Success Coaching based in practices of efficiency, effectiveness, or expertise (though, again, you will find that this mastermind will meet all these needs and MUCH MORE). 

What this is:

• Deep dive processing of the limiting beliefs that keep you spinning on a hamster wheel, struggling to find your groove and feel seen and appreciated.

• Compassionate analysis and examination of our orientation toward our work, our colleagues, our selves, the state of the world, and the places where our values and aspirations are challenged as we Grow Toward Greatness. 

Why Join the Quarterly Mastermind Group?

In our fast-paced world, leadership can often feel like a series of urgent tasks and crises to manage. But true leadership goes beyond day-to-day challenges; it requires profound inner work, deep reflection, and a commitment to personal and collective growth. Our mastermind group provides the space and support you need to embark on this journey in a half day, once per quarter, deep dive that is easy to integrate into your busy schedule. Our groups are never larger than six people so there is plenty of time in our half day container for deep dives with each of the incredible leaders who come to learn and grow together. And if you are in one of our "locals only" groups that meet in Seattle or the Bay Area, you get to meet live and in person in a comfortable, restorative environment.

What You Can Expect:

• Expert Guidance: As a facilitator with extensive experience in heart-centered nonprofit leadership, undoing institutional oppression, and organizational transformation, I will guide our discussions, offering insights and strategies to help you heal and grow in your own personal work, navigate the complex challenges you face at work, and inspire your teams.

• Personal Growth: We believe that transformative leadership starts from within. Our sessions will focus on self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and healing, enabling you to lead with authenticity and compassion.

• Collective Wisdom: Our group is a diverse mix of leaders, each bringing unique experiences and perspectives. This diversity enriches our discussions and provides a broader understanding of the challenges and opportunities we face collectively as culture change leaders.

• Peer Support: Engage with a community of like-minded change leaders who are also committed to fostering a culture of care and collaboration. Build deep friendships and support one another inside and outside of group time.

• Accountability and Support: Stay on track with your goals through regular check-ins and the supportive network of your mastermind group in our online community space.

• Actionable Strategies: While our focus is on deep, reflective work, we also understand the need for practical solutions. You will leave each session with actionable strategies to implement within your organization, ensuring that our work together leads to tangible results.

And Two Extra Bonuses, valued at more than $7000, included FREE:

• Free access to Bi-Weekly Group Coaching: Every other week, we will gather in a supportive, confidential environment to explore the issues that impact our ability to lead effectively. These optional sessions are designed to foster meaningful dialogue, peer support, and collaborative problem-solving.

• One free one-on-one coaching session per month for the year of your mastermind membership, as well as special discounted pricing for additional one-on-one coaching sessions: Receive personalized, one-on-one coaching to address your specific challenges and goals, ensuring tailored support for your unique journey.

Who Should Join?

This mastermind group is ideal for nonprofit leaders who:

• Are committed to creating a culture of care and collaboration within their organizations.

• Recognize the importance of personal growth and healing in effective leadership.

• Are seeking a supportive community of like-minded leaders to share insights and experiences.

• Are ready to invest time and energy into deep, transformative work.

How to Join:

Spaces in our Quarterly Mastermind Group are limited to ensure an intimate and impactful experience for all participants. Apply below!

Invest in Your Leadership Journey:

Your commitment to this mastermind group is an investment in yourself, your organization, and the broader community you serve. By engaging in this deep, reflective work, you will emerge as a more resilient, compassionate, and effective leader. Let's embark on this journey together and create the change we wish to see in the world.

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